It paralyzes you.
It takes away all joy. It is the destroyer of hopes and dreams. When you live in a state of constant fear, you live in a state of suspended animation. All eyes watch the fear. All eyes look for ways to placate the fear. All aspects of life revolve around the fear. Nothing gets done. Nothing gets planned. Nothing gets finished. And you walk around with constant brain fog with every day feeling like the same day.
It’s planned that way, you know.
When you’re afraid for your safety on a continual, low-grade basis, you end up worn out from battle fatigue. It doesn’t matter if the fear exists in your conscious mind or your subconscious, the result is the same. The trick is to identify where it comes from, find ways to decrease it incrementally and systematically, and finally—just laugh at it.
You can’t make the world obey you, but you don’t have to obey the world, either.
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